How Procurement is Managing the Ongoing Supply Chain Shortages (.PDF Download)

Nov. 10, 2021
A new report reveals how far procurement departments have come since the early stages of the pandemic, their core concerns right now and what lies ahead for 2022.

The pandemic-related supply chain interruptions that started in 2020 and gathered steam in 2021 are making life difficult for buyers across most product categories right now. From semiconductors and electronics components to resin and plastics, many of the fundamental products that buyers need for their companies’ products are difficult to get and/or more expensive than usual right now.

“As the global economic recovery continues to gather steam, what is increasingly apparent is how it will be stymied by supply chain disruptions that are now showing up at every corner,” Moody’s Analytics’ Tim Uy was quoted as saying on CNBC. And the situation may worsen before it gets any better.

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